is now online! Press Release is now on-line! And it is entirely FREE!

Buy, Sell or Find a pool cue or billiard cue in an organized, uncluttered and easy to use on-line format.

There is no cost, fee or commission. Ever! is strictly focused to market Used and Antique or Collectible Cues and will advertise nothing else.

Buyers and Sellers negotiate with each other directly and privately.

Search Ads by Pre-Owned, Antique, Wanted or Search All. To place your ad, simply create an account and Post,

Edit or Delete your ad on-line from a PC or Smart Phone. And up to six (6) photos can be included but each photo must be less than 500 kb in size.

New Cue Dealers also benefit as they now have an affordable outlet for cue trade-ins or a place to refer potential customers that

need to sell their current cue in order to buy new.

I do not buy or sell cues and I do not pretend to be a cue expert or historian. I simply love the cue games and my intent is to

provide a much needed and affordable service to the players.

Click-in right now:

Gary Eake, Member, LLC

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