McDermott Classic $16,000 Added at Amazin Billiards-Check out results.
Wiktor Zielinski (John Gallagher)
Nine Ball Winner
We would like to take a moment to recap The 2024 McDermott Classic Matchroom Nineball Ranking Event
We would like to thank all the players that traveled far and wide, and the locals too. Without the players nothing is possible!
Thank you to all of the sponsors of this event. Particularly McDermott Pool Cue Official Fan Page for being the title Sponsor if this $10,000 added Nineball Ranking event and Emily Frazer of Matchroom Pool for sanctioning the event. Congratulations to Wiktor Zieliński for wining the event and to Tyler Styer for his runner up performance! Special Mention to Mario He for his Heartbreaking Semi Final finish…
We would also like to thank Million Dollar Products for sponsoring the $5,000 added 1-Pocket event and Congratulations to Scott Frost for playing excellent to snap off the discipline he’s known best for and congratulations to local up and coming player “The CT Kid” Lukas Fracasso-Verner for his runner up performance.
We couldn’t forget Steve Booth founder of for sponsoring the $1,000 added One Ball warm up event. You can thank Steve and learn a thing or two by picking up his book “The Art of One Pocket.” Shout out to Danny Olson for winning that event and again to Lukas for being a finalist there as well.
We couldn’t have done it without or other sponsors such as Magicballrack, Perimeter Billiard Lights, Inthebx, Moonlighting Billiards, Maine Pool Table Services, Pinnacle HVAC, Dynaspheres, Hollywood Billiard Table, Professor-Q-Ball’s National Pool & 3-Cushion News & BeanTown Billiards
A Very Special thank you to Digital Pool, Isaac Wooten & Zach Goldsmith for always pushing the envelope for the future of pool. A few hiccups that were quickly resolved thanks to a team effort including but not limited to TIFF, Frank Maialetti & Danny Olson to help us piece back the bracket.
Also thank you do Daniel Krupinski for sticking it out the ENTIRE event for auxiliary commentary!!!
Nothing worth having ever came without some growing pains so thank you to making my long list of feature requests a reality so those that come next will have an easier path!
We also want to thank All those who Bought the PPV. Many do not realize The PPV is primarily how we are able to make up the gaps in the added money so without your support we would not be able to grow and continue to grow the added funds to these events. As a special thank you we have expanded access from 30 days to May 1st, so those who supported have extra time to catch every match!
We will release the best matches throughout the year on our youtube and facebook page so EVERYONE can enjoy the sport we all love.
The same goes for anyone who purchases a tickets to watch the event in purchase, bought a shirt, or participated in a lesson or clinic. Without your support we would never be able to close our doors to normal business & Leagues plus hire 3x the staff for 6 days to bring world class billiards to your backyard! It truly takes a village to pull off an event like this there are SO many people to thank not limited to ALL the Staff at Amazin Billiards and to the man himself Mazin Shooni, without his continued hard work this event and future events would not be possible.
Thank you to Brian Pauley for his trickshot show, to Dick Jaspers for his 3c clinics, and to Chaokun Li for his help with Auction Sphere. Also special thanks to Ryan McCrum for saving pinky and helping with cable management 

Check out later on for the compete brackets and winner info and for videos of the matches we will post later!
Thanks to our commentating/production team!
Jeremy Jones who also managed to give 10 lessons during his time here and cash in the 1-Pocket all while delivering world class commentary!
Scott Frost who managed to Win the 1-P AND give 3 clinics to help others learn the game and also deliver world class commentary.
Mike DeMarco of Ship The Cash who wore MANY hats over the TEN DAYS he was on site to help, including but not limited to MC, Producer, Commentator, Sound Man, Assistant TD & most importantly… friend.
A Very Special Thanks to all of our refs who have perhaps one of the most thankless jobs and truly do it for the love of the game. Pool NEEDS people like you guys… Mike Sousa, Donna Switzer (if you enjoyed the players lounge you can give her a special thanks!), Dave Morganelli, Alvin Lam, Joe Lynch(sorry you’re not in the photo buddy), Robert Conlay, & John Francisco for impromptu ref duty!
A Massive shoutout to Tiffany Vuong for organizing the badges and checking in the players/ being an awesome competent assistant for the entire event and time leading up to the event!
Thanks to Jeffrey Baldassari for manning the door and to to LG Louis-Gregory BklynBoy-DolFan Milfort and Leann D’Ettore for making sure the people in VIP were comfortable the entire event and ALWAYS had access and their seats weren’t taken over by a anyone else when they went to the restroom or walked around the room to view other matches!
Also A HUGE thanks to Kevin Bauccio for working very hard to give us a new twist on the classic trophy, we wanted to do something original and although it was not easy he did a great job working with a new medium so thank you Kevin!!
Please enjoy the photos from mostly from John Gallagher, and one of Danny Olson by Steve Booth! Will Try and release an album in the coming days with all the photos! We invite everyone to post their own photos below of the week!
McDermott has already committed to upping the Ante on the added money so we can’t wait to see you all with a new date in the spring of 2025!